Do premenstrual dreams really mean anything? Why do they occur? If our fluctuating hormones can wreak havoc on our minds when we are awake, then most likely they should also cause something when we are asleep. Read on to learn a little about the mystery of why wild and bizarre dreams before menstruating often haunt us women.
“I once dreamed that I was in a bus accident. I can still remember every detail of that; the red double-decker bus and its gray seats flipping in the air, and my main concern was that I was going to be late for my class. In the morning, I checked my period tracker app, which said my period was going to start in a week and a half. "
What woman does not feel identified with this dream? And this is the dream of only someone who shares what many women have experienced just before our period comes, and that is, as we have mentioned, hormones play a very important role in this wild dreaming.
Dreams mostly occur when you are in REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. This generally occurs about 90 minutes after you fall asleep and is when your brain is most active during sleep. Women report more sleep disturbances just before and during their menstrual periods. If you wake up from REM sleep, you tend to remember your dreams more clearly.
In the luteal phase (the week before your period starts), there are fewer REM dreams. The theory behind this is that the higher the amount of progesterone, the less the amount of REM sleep. So, you may have fewer dreams, but disturbances while you sleep increase your chances of waking up during REM sleep and remembering them.
Progesterone is released after ovulation and is produced by a hormone-secreting body called the corpus luteum. It helps prepare your body to receive and nurture a fertilized egg. If an egg remains unfertilized, the progesterone level drops and your period results. This also has the side effect of increasing your body temperature, which is one of the reasons for interrupted sleep. The day before your period, you are in a hormonal flow. Therefore, your dream could be somewhat erratic due to that change.
When - and if we actually do - manage to sleep, the dreams we have tend to reflect what is happening in that particular cycle. These dreams are a wonderful way to represent where you are hormonally, to guide your life. Women regularly describe that these types of dreams involve mud, baths and things that decompose, being in a pool or a lot of water is also usually a recurring dream during this period. (Considering that the lining of your uterus is about to peel off you, this all seems quite understandable.)
While hormones are believed to play a role in the types of dreams we have, it is important to avoid "biological reductionism" when looking at the big picture.
Women should not feel like victims of our biology, that is already a discourse that we have inherited from the last 5000 years of patriarchy.
The next time those wild dreams come to you, you don't need to Google what it means to be naked and splashing in puddles of mud or water. Instead, you may want to make sure you are well stocked with sanitary pads.
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