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Delirium Audit - Round 2

Round 1 of our delirium audit was a huge success in terms of the efforts of our collaborators! We were able to screen and assess 1507 patients across 45 UK hospitals for evidence of delirium on March 14th 2018. Thank you to all who helped with this audit! Unfortunately, the results of the audit were less promising, with only 27% of patients screened for delirium by the usual care team prior to our assessment. Of those who had delirium, only 34.9% was recognised, and only 26.6% documented on discharge summaries - clearly we have a long way to go!

We are planning a full re-audit (Round 3) on March 13th 2019 using the same methodology as Round 1, but in the interim, Round 2 is NOW OPEN! We are using retrospective methodology for Round 2 to give people a bit more time. This should also mean that we can look at the impact of recognition on outcomes - if we can show that this is a problem, then we can increase the drive for changes in healthcare policy to promote recognition!

In order to register, please complete the RedCap survey. 

You will need to confirm local audit approval to register so please get registering locally now! You are welcome to take part regardless of whether you took part in Round 1 - if you complete both cycles this year then you will have completed your own audit cycle locally this year!

You'll find links for everything you need to complete the audit below (we'll also be adding a "how to" video very soon!)

Upload of data will be via RedCap - please do not send us your spreadsheets and use these only to maintain your database locally.  

If you have any questions not answered above, then please message us!

Happy auditing!

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